****** Welcome to PIN ******
Will i get a W-2 or a 1099 at the end of the year from PIN?
No. Pest Inspection Network is your employer and every client you do a WDI inspection for is also our client, so technically we are billing your client $17.50 plus tax and your fee that you charge your client is what ever you want it to be less our inspection fee to your client. In other words everything you make from the inspection is your commission on that sale.
How long is the class and who teaches the class?
The "Structural Pest Control Technician Training" classroom class is 6 hours from 9am to 3pm (classroom) and the online “Termite" class is considered as 8 hours, one is a ZOOM class by CTN and the other is given by A&M.
Is it OK for me to have another company do inspections for me and I fill out the report?
NO NO and NO! any report you sign off on MUST BE COMPLETED BY YOU. You cannot “Farm Out” your reports to anyone.
If I have a “secretary” or “assistant” and they fail to send my reports in on time am I still responsible for the reports being sent on time?
YES, reports that are not sent on time will have a “Late Reporting Fee” of $45.00 added to them. The technician is responsible for reporting on time. We as your employer MUST have a copy of EVERY report.
What happens if I forget to send a report?
If a technician forgets to send a report and finds out on their own, then sends the report we will overlook it normally. If a technician forgets to send a report and we get a call from a mortgage company or client we will accept that as an accident, the first time, just send us the report. After that the technician will be billed a late reporting fee but if it happens again the technician will be watched and on the 3rd time the technician will be terminated, and the technicians license will be returned to TDA.
While working under Pest Inspection Network or “PIN”, can I treat the homes for conducive conditions or active Termites that I find on my inspection?
While under PIN you are not allowed to use any type of chemical or treatment on any property other than your own. As a home inspector licensed under TREC treating a client’s home would be considered a conflict of interest. In other words, if you find it, and report it in your report, neither you or anyone employed by the same company you work for can treat that property either for FREE or for PAY.
As an inspector under you do I need to use “Your software” for my reports?
At PIN we do not require you to use any software.
When do i need to send my reports to you
Every time you do a report, preferably at the same time you send it to your client. We review every report and will respond to you with corrections as needed, you have 48 hours to correct a report and resend it to your client.
Can a home inspector use their WDI license for inspections with no follow up services like treatments?
As a Pest Inspection Network (PIN) Inspector you are not allowed to do any treatments for anyone other than your own home.
"Q" Can a home inspector operate and use their WDI license without a "parent" company?
If after you have had your Technician license for a year you can start your own pest control business and run it as you will (after getting your CA license). The cost of doing that is about $3,500 per year just for the business license with insurance and everything that goes along with running a business. That means that you would need about 6 WDI inspections per week all year long just to break even (most inspectors don’t come close to that amount) so it is usually better to be under someone like PIN and just pay the $16.85 per report. **
At PIN we monitor all your reports to insure that they are correct and we cover your E&O insurance for the reports (you are responsible for the deductible) (the only company that does). If at any time you have a question on a job or if you are not certain of what you are seeing we use Video chat so you can show one of us what you are looking at and we can help you determine if you need to wright anything up or not.
TDA License #0783068
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