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How to become a termite inspector in Texas Include WDI Inspections
How to become a termite inspector in Texas

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How to become a termite inspector in Texas
Did you know that the average price for a Termite (WDI) inspection in Texas is $105.00? That’s right, depending on your area the Termite inspection price can very from $65.00 to as much as $250.00 on a home under 3000 square feet and the price goes up from there! So why leave that money on the table? Your clients will pay even more if they only need to pay one company and don’t need to wait for the report! Join our team NOW and start putting that money in your pocket!!
Whether you are a licensed Technician or a home inspector that wants to make more money in your business and you want to know how to become a termite inspector in Texas
We're here to help.
If you are wanting to get your license to do WDI (Termite) inspections, we will guide you through the process. If you have your license already then
Whether you are a licensed Technician or a home inspector that wants to make more money in your business and you want to know how to become a termite inspector in Texas
We're here to help.
If you are wanting to get your license to do WDI (Termite) inspections, we will guide you through the process. If you have your license already then all you need to do is transfer your license to us and Join our Team Today.
Our pricing is simple;
New Inspectors, COME WORK FOR US you will be totally independent and be making from $50 to $200 per inspection that you are already doing!
Why not make money on what you are already doing and still control your business the way you want?
Our $850.00 Training and license package includes; Training and TDA Applicat
Our pricing is simple;
New Inspectors, COME WORK FOR US you will be totally independent and be making from $50 to $200 per inspection that you are already doing!
Why not make money on what you are already doing and still control your business the way you want?
Our $850.00 Training and license package includes; Training and TDA Application fee (one time charge). After you get your license you can charge whatever you like to your client, as your WDI employer PIN only takes $17.50 (plus TAX)**1**(see below) per report the rest is yours. (Classes and study materials are included in the price)
We even cover your E&O and GL insurance!
ALL FOR ONLY $850.00
**(Does NOT include annual TDA license fee of $125.00 plus processing fee of $4.05 billed in March of every year)**
All you need to do is fill out a form and we do the rest.
You only pay $17.50 (plus TAX)**1**(see below) per report the rest is yours.
(That should make you happy)
That's a 25% savings over some of the other sponsors / employers out there.
If you've been paying more than that, then YOU SHOULD transfer TODAY!
It won't cost you a thing to
All you need to do is fill out a form and we do the rest.
You only pay $17.50 (plus TAX)**1**(see below) per report the rest is yours.
(That should make you happy)
That's a 25% savings over some of the other sponsors / employers out there.
If you've been paying more than that, then YOU SHOULD transfer TODAY!
It won't cost you a thing to transfer.
We even cover your E&O and GL insurance! **2**
We don't charge you in advance and we don't make you use our software.
**(Does NOT include annual TDA license fee of $125.00 plus processing fee of $4.05 )**
(License renewal will be billed in March of every year)
P.O. Box 700906, San Antonio, TX 78270
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday - 9:00am = 1:00pm
Sunday: Closed
TDA License #0783068
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